Friday, November 28, 2008


What's your (not yet) husband’s name? Ryan Morgan

How long have you guys been married? WELL...that's a future question

How long did you date? We've been dating a little over 4 months

How old is he? 24

Who eats more sweets? HIM! Ryan has the biggest sweeth tooth. He always wants me to bring Schmidt's sugar cookies to his work. I eat my fair share too.

Who is the better singer? Neither of us. He doesn't sing very well, but he's learning to play the guitar.

Who is smarter? He's the beauty, and I'm the brains. Haha. Don't tell him I said that.

Who does the laundry? Well, for now, he does his and I do mine.

Who pays the bills? Same. Later on, he better be paying the bills! Haha.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Which side would be considered the WRONG side?

Who mows the lawn? He does. He's a gentleman. He would never make my mom or me mow the lawn. He lucked out though, he only had to mow it once this year for us.

Who cooks dinner? We usually go out, but he's a pretty good cook. I don't know how to cook anything. I'll be a terrible wife.

Who drives? He tries to, but his car doesn't do well in the winter, so we usually take mine, but he drives it. What can I say, he's a student, so he can't afford a nicer car right now.

Who is the first to say they are wrong? We haven't really gotten in that big of an argument yet, but he's good about admitting when he's wrong.

Who kissed who first? Well, he kissed me on the cheek on our first date. I consider that one to be our first kiss.

Who asked who out first? He did, but it took him a couple months. It was frustrating! What a wuss :)

Who wears the pants? He likes to pretend that he does...haha. Silly boy, pants are for girls!

I tag no one :)